Wednesday 19 March 2014

Design-The Crystal Palace and The Great Exhibition

The Crystal Palace and The Great Exhibition

'The Great International Exhibition' in London was held in the Mid-nineteenth century in 1851, this was made to give more importance to the Great Britain. Even the building that had been built for this exhibition was brilliant with great engineering. This design was inspired by The Victorian Architecture and Moorish designs. As an original sketch it was made by Sir Joseph Paxton`s and a design had an effect on the construction on the roof that was made with glass and iron vaulted.


The Great Exhibition was a history from the start, because it was made in a very short time. This was made by Henry Cole, who was a member of the Society of Art, but then he stopped and begin supporting Sir Robert Peel. To attract the people, Cole got Prince Albert back to the royal in the 1851, and told them that it was his idea.

This exhibition was made so they can make better level of  production in bigger markets. It was open in Hyde park  for five months and fifteen days and it was the biggest exhibition in the history. There was about six million people that has visited and they came to see some of the innovate machines by fourteen thousand exhibitors that where made into sections.
When they first opened this exhibition they had a high price and after a month they lowered it a bit and that`s why they had a lot of visits. After a century and a half they took about £506,100, one third of the expenses that they made to build the this place and to make the exhibition.

The Great Exhibition - History of London on History. 2014. The Great Exhibition - History of London on History. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2014].

Great Exhibition Introduction. 2014. Great Exhibition Introduction. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2014].



In the 19th century there was seven rebellious young men, that these men formed as Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood that these were artists that formed in London, so they can express themselves by creating new British Art. They used to inspire themselves from nature, literature from the Bible and Shakespeare.
Their name was called from the chief source of inspiration from modern paintings. There are always translate a sense of sincerity, seriousness and truth trough the nature. After they had an exhibit in London, that showed in the 1849 and many painting where exhibited. There paintings where on canvas and there aim was so they can express there feeling against corruption.

Their feelings where justice, pity and familiar relationship. There work was always critical and it was made with their composting of working. They used to use a lot of shadow, flatten their forms and used to make a wet white ground to colouration. One of their best writer was John Ruskin. He was a supporter to painting from nature that lead him to Gothic Revival paintings.

This type of work was plain-air made with little detail. In the 1850s the brotherhood diapered but some of them remained close friends. When this happened, it appeared new inspiration tough William Morris and Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Morris in the 1861 opened a company and he used to design hand-craft object, household objects, and it was the beginning of the Arts and Crafts Movement.In 1860s, new artists, including Edward Burne-Jones, Simeon Solomon, and Albert Moore, were introduced to Pre-Raphaelite so they could be a refresh influence.

This new group by new individuals was named as the Aeasthic Movement in the 1870s - 1890s. This design was reflecting the Victorian period as the beauty that woman have in there harmony, form and composting was the most important. As there work became also more and more decorative they were also producing also new designs and be developed in Murals, Stained Glass, Furniture, Textiles, Jewellery and also wallpaper.

In the Delaware Art Museum's Samuel and Mary R. Bancroft Collection of Pre-Raphaelite Art has about 150 works, including paintings, drawings, photographs, decorative arts, and illustrated books. It is the largest collection of Pre-Raphaelite art in England.

Lady Lilith, 1867
Dante Gabriel Rossetti (British, 1828–1882)
Watercolour and gouache on paper
Cabinet, 1861
Philip Webb (British, 1831–1915), Designer; Morris, Marshall, 
Faulkner & Co., Maker; Sir Edward Burne-Jones 
Made in England
Painted pine, oil paint on leather, brass, copper
"Pink and Rose" wallpaper design, ca. 1890
William Morris (British, 1834–1896)
Hand-block-printed wallpaper
Delaware Art Museum - Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. 2014. Delaware Art Museum - Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2014].
Delaware Art Museum - Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. 2014. Delaware Art Museum - Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2014].

Design- Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution


This was a period of time that had a lot of changes, through  many things such as agriculture, textiles, transportation and more. It began in 1740 in England and had a lot of advance in agriculture and in the production supply of food. It increased the commerce, foreign and domestic conditions as well, and these were also an advert in this revolution that made these inventions easier and more practical that changed people`s life. So by this more people had work and with the mechanism they had more goods.

Before the industrial revolution began they had problems to cut wood and also to carry them from place to another because it was very expensive to carry them with ships.
They always searched new intelligent designers so they can produce innovative mechanism and the first designer was the system engine in the 1712. This was designed by Thomas Newcomer and John Calley that was a total success but the idea was of Jim Andrew. Thomas Newcomer after 3 years designed this engine. This was first designed and then built, but when it was built they were using a lot of coal to make it work.

Agricultural had the position of the way life was, in England and it was an important source for textiles industry and by that the wool and cotton industry was increasing each year. In this period the agricultural industry was improving by the new techniques and mechanism.

During the revolution people used to live in villages and working as a craftsmen or in agriculture. Most of the people used to work with their families. With these new mechanism many farmers and workers lost their job because the machines then where more efficient. And where more capable of huge outcomes. By this they had to move to other towns so they can make jobs although they had less hours and less money.

Education was a good effect to the Industrial Revolution because it was important to the Industrial Revolution to learn children new things. For example, these children needed to learn how to read so, they wouldn't be able to work a machine. The problem was that then there was a lot of children working. Families and children were forced to work because they were desperately needing money. They used to work eighteen hours each day strictly.

British used many money , so they can make a ship to have more protection, in the island of Integra [English Harbour].But the problem was that by this work, many people were treated as slaves and then they used to live short life. By this work the government managed to make a lot of money because he didn't used to pay the people.

In this Revolution many people thought about their negative changes only, but there were also some positive changes. Some of the positive changes included that people were educated, new inventions were made and some machines were improve, and they improved on buildings with 6 Six new investments that where built.


81.02.06: The Industrial Revolution. 2014. 81.02.06: The Industrial Revolution. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2014].

Thomas Newcomer - Steam Engines of Thomas Newcomer. 2014. Thomas Newcomer - Steam Engines of Thomas Newcomer. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 03 March 2014].

Art-Different types of Art

Different Type of Art

Art is expressed with a lot of feelings, that the artist/s can express with a lot of different style form different centuries. It can be showed from abstract style to realism style.

The abstract style is a form of Art that didn't show recognizable designs, but have the feelings of the artists, like Sonia Delaunay and Jackson Pollock. This Art isn`t made to show the animals or the human figures, but is exactly to show colour, shape and emotions.

Then there is Cubism, it is another modern Art, it is an type of art that shows unreal geometric shapes, to show what they wanted to paint. In this style they mostly used greys, browns, greens and yellow to paint. Then in 1914 they began to use more expressive colours.This style was the start of the Abstract. One of the most famous artist of the style is Pablo Picasso 

This style began in the 1905. Expressionism is another Art how the artist express himself by painting. The artist that painted in this style used to be expressive and painted with a lot of feelings. One of the most popular artist of this time is Wassily Kandinsky.

Another interesting style of Art is the Pointillism. It is a type of Art that used to paint with small dots or strokes in a large scale of paintings. This effect from far you can see it as a painting that blend together and show figures and nature with different colours. Paul Seurat is one of the most important painter of this style.


This is an art that can be drawn by everyone and it has a colourful way of art. Popular Art is the same as Pop Art. This style is inspired from comic book, advertising and other popular entertainment.

There are more different types of Art from old century to now a day style like Baroque Art, Fauvism, Impressionism, Symbolism, Rococo, Neoclassicism, abstract, cubism, Expressionism, Pointillism, Pop Art and more.



All About Art - Styles of Art. 2014. All About Art - Styles of Art. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 March 2014].



This type of Art began in France during the 1870`s. It all began from a group of artist that they was called the Anonymous Society, they were a mixed of Painters, Sculptors, Print-makers etc.., how where Monet, Pissarro, Sisley and Degas among others. It all began from an exhibition in Pairs that created this movement of Impressionism .This group of artists joined together, so their diversity through painting made this movement. There were also a lot of critics, which they were saying that they had a sketchy and unfinished appearance paintings, but then there was some writers, that liked them the way they made the paintings in a modern way. 

Impressionism had a strong influence by simple and bold Japanese wood block prints. It was produced by the use of unmixed primary colours and little small strokes to it, will be similar to reflected light effect. They also used to make details and express there reality of living or their mood. These used to be in a small scale so it allow for completion the spot.

This work was rejected from Napoleon III and made an exhibition for rejected paintings called ‘The Salon of Refused’. There was a lot of people that where criticizing through years and know they are one of the top artists. From all the critics there was a woman called Louise Leroy, who wrote a review and she called it `The exhibition of the Impressionists`, but it didn`t make a good name for them because they were used to paint with exact proportion with details. She was inspired from the painting of Monet the Sunrise.


The Sunrise by Monet`s
So the name of this movement came from Monet`s painting: - ‘Sunrise’ this was one of artist of this movement.

This painting shows the Port of Le Havre in the morning. Then in the background it has some ships and in their silhouette and in the front there are three small boats. It shows short broken brush strokes with unblended colours. He used bold colours and made an emphasis on the reflection in the water with the light of the sunrise rather neutral.



The Boating By Monet`s  
Their technique was to use bright colours, that artists chose to use a thick varnish so they can tone dawn the colours. In the 19 century they saw some development with this group of paintings with some different shades of blue, green and yellows like this painting of Monet`s.
After the years they revealed the name as ‘The Impressionists’ and from that day the new movement was born with a different techniques and standards. Till 1886 they did around eight exhibitions.

Impressionism - Styles & Movements - Art in the 2014. Impressionism - Styles & Movements - Art in the [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 March 2014]

Impressionism: Art and Modernity | Thematic Essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan useum of Art. 2014. Impressionism: Art and Modernity | Thematic Essay | Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 March 2014].