Wednesday 19 March 2014

Art-Different types of Art

Different Type of Art

Art is expressed with a lot of feelings, that the artist/s can express with a lot of different style form different centuries. It can be showed from abstract style to realism style.

The abstract style is a form of Art that didn't show recognizable designs, but have the feelings of the artists, like Sonia Delaunay and Jackson Pollock. This Art isn`t made to show the animals or the human figures, but is exactly to show colour, shape and emotions.

Then there is Cubism, it is another modern Art, it is an type of art that shows unreal geometric shapes, to show what they wanted to paint. In this style they mostly used greys, browns, greens and yellow to paint. Then in 1914 they began to use more expressive colours.This style was the start of the Abstract. One of the most famous artist of the style is Pablo Picasso 

This style began in the 1905. Expressionism is another Art how the artist express himself by painting. The artist that painted in this style used to be expressive and painted with a lot of feelings. One of the most popular artist of this time is Wassily Kandinsky.

Another interesting style of Art is the Pointillism. It is a type of Art that used to paint with small dots or strokes in a large scale of paintings. This effect from far you can see it as a painting that blend together and show figures and nature with different colours. Paul Seurat is one of the most important painter of this style.


This is an art that can be drawn by everyone and it has a colourful way of art. Popular Art is the same as Pop Art. This style is inspired from comic book, advertising and other popular entertainment.

There are more different types of Art from old century to now a day style like Baroque Art, Fauvism, Impressionism, Symbolism, Rococo, Neoclassicism, abstract, cubism, Expressionism, Pointillism, Pop Art and more.



All About Art - Styles of Art. 2014. All About Art - Styles of Art. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 March 2014].

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