Monday 19 May 2014

Art blog 6-Presentation

Architecture of Egypt

As we known that Egyptian architecture are magnificent by that way they were built at that time consider that they had no machinery to work with like today, they had to do everything by hand. They were supplied by large blocks of granite, limestone, and sandstone to build their temples and tombs from the stone quarries. They had to carry every stone by hand with the help of a lot of working men by buildings ramps before to put the stone in its place and years will pass to be ready and finished. Then to finish off they decorate from top to bottom and remove the sand ramp along the way down. 

After every pharaoh was named they began to build his tomb because it will took many years to be finished. They will decorate it and scale it in how many years he ruled the empire. By that these skilled builders had left us a treasure that we can appreciate by how they made them and the size and shape that the pyramids have. 

Pyramids were usually used as tombs for the pharaohs. They decorate the best they can as they believed that his souls will continue on guiding affairs to the kingdom even after his death. And to ensure this they even mummify him and the shape of the pyramid represent the union with god. For us these are historical architectures that are very very old and we need to treasure them in the best way and passing the knowledge to others to know about Ancient Egypt too.

 St.Petersburg Times, 1999. Egypt: Art and Architecture [online] Available at:[Accessed 18 May 2014 ]

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